Sunday, December 21, 2008

What our drive home, and Harry Potter have in common...

...both have characteristics that are never to be spoken of or mentioned again. I won't go in to the details, but it took us 4 days to get home for what is ordinarily an 18 hr drive. And anyone who knows my level of patience knows that I was sooooo loving that. NOT.

We're home safely, but are currently stay with Troy's parents because 1) the city closed the hill to our new apartment 2) Macy's couldn't deliver our new bed because of the weather and 3) our moving truck is delayed until early next week because of the weather...

We're snuggled in at Troy's parents so it could be much much worse. Plus we had all the Christmas presents in the cars with us so we're very thankful that if everyone can celebrate Christmas together, we at least have their gifts!

(The inlaws driveway)


Connie said...

YAY!!! SO happy you guys made it home safely. Can't wait to see you!

Shannon said...

Im glad you made it home but Im sorry you had such a loooong drive!