If anyone is interested (because they're thinking about doing it in the future), here is a quick run down on my cloth diapering and baby wearing experiments with Sir
Pukey Pants.
Cloth DiapersOverall, going really really well. I would say it adds a total of 10-15 min of extra work to my day. That includes laundry and folding/stuffing, etc. For those of you who are
skeezed out about touching pee/poop, etc, I can tell you that I've rarely had to touch any pee or poop, and as a mom you're going to get pissed and $hit on anyway.
Prefolds (the flat square diapers you picture when you think of cloth diapers): I bought mine from Green Mountain Diapers. The diapers were great, but I don't think that they're for us. They were pretty easy to learn to fold (thank you YouTube!), but Jack is so squirmy that I always had a hard time getting them on him tightly enough. I was able to sell them for the same price that I paid for them because they're such great diapers!
Kissaluvs size 0 - these are fantastic! They have a newborn cord cutout and we never have a blowout in them. We pair them with
Thirsties covers size
xs. Troy loves these and always reaches for them when he's doing diaper changes...which is most of the time!
BumGenius3.0 - we like these just fine. They tend to fit better once the kiddo is 12 lbs, so Jack has about 8 oz to go. I'll see how they are once they truly fit him. They're a great night time diaper since you can put extra inserts in to make them more
Baby wearingI love baby wearing because it almost always calms Jack down when nothing else is working. It also allows me to have 2 hands and get stuff done around the house.
Moby wrap - love this! However, I can see how quickly this can become obsolete once the kiddo gets too heavy. Because it's a stretchy fabric, Jack will slide down a bit as we walk around. He also HATES HATES HATES having his head covered with the panels which are supposed to support the
newborn's head. He has good head control so I can still wear him
ok. He also screams bloody murder when I'm putting him in it, but calms down within a few minutes of being "worn". I would recommend a gauze or woven wrap from the get go over the
Moby wrap because you can use it longer/with heavier kids. I love the
Etsy seller
LoveyDuds for wraps
Sling - just started using it last night despite having it for weeks. Jack would straight up lose his $hit whenever I tried to put him in it before. I was trying to put him in the "cradle hold" in the sling, and switched to the "tummy to tummy" hold last night and he loved it! The sling is nice because it doesn't require wrapping. When I wear Jack around the store in the
Moby, I have to tie it at home and wear it in the car so that I don't drag the fabric in the parking lot.
Ergo - Super pink puffy heart it! We borrowed the newborn insert from a friend and this has been awesome. The Ergo is more expensive than many soft structured carriers, but distributes the weight very comfortably for both mom, dad, and baby. Can be worn from newborn (with insert) to (I think) up to about 45 lbs.
Hope some of this might be helpful!