Thursday, November 19, 2009

Just like Kevin Spacey,

Jack is verbal! At 2:31 this morning, Jack clear as day said "Momma"!!

Troy was changing his diaper (Jack's diaper, not Troy's) and as usual, Jack was crying because for some reason he hates diaper changes from 6:00 pm - 6:00 am. Anyhoo, I walked in to his room and sat down on his chair to get ready to feed him when Troy had finished.

Jack looked over at me and said "Mommmmma"; it was clear as day and both Troy and I heard it!

He's also been saying "ba ba" for the last few days, and makes a popping sound which I think might be "Poppa"(?).

Looks like I need to stop swearing...

My little sleeping angel:

Note: Mom & Dad, I'll explain the Kevin Spacey reference at dinner on Sunday.


Tammy Spence said...

So cute Sniffer!

Carly said...

i love that picture way too much

♥ Lovfer♥ said...

Go little Jacky Bear! I can't believe how big he is already!

Connie said...

He really is a smartie! Love the rosy cheeks! What a sweet sweet boy.

Eris1995 said...

Awww I can't believe he says "Mama" That is awesome!

flojat said...

Mom and Dad, tell her to bring the movie over. It's much better than just an explanation!

I love that Jack's talking! Smart and handsome, he's gonna be a double threat.

Anne Bailey said...

Has he said it again? Or is he going to wait a while to repeat??

Connie said...

I don't recall hearing the Kevin Spacey explanation at dinner yesterday...??