People always say things like "Seattle is rainy and gray. Why would you live there"? I respond that it is green, has gorgeous scenery, is often sunny (we had something like 163 days in a row this year where it didn't drop below 60 degrees), and people are friendly. But the REAL reason that I love Seattle, is that things like this happen here:
Police: Drunk 'ninja' impaled on First Hill fence post
A drunk man believing himself to be a ninja drew the help of Seattle police and aid crews late Monday after impaling himself on a First Hill fence post, a police spokesperson said.
The man's ninja skills, it seems, were bested by the 4- to 5-foot-tall fence he attempted to vault, according to the police statement. He ended up stuck on a spike atop the fence in the 600 block of Seventh Avenue.
After an officer in the area heard the man's screams and located him at about 11:15 p.m., Seattle Fire Department personnel were able to free the man. They took him to
Harborview Medical Center, where officers attempted to ascertain exactly what the would-be silent assassin was up to.
"The male claimed he was not being chased, but rather he thought he was a ninja and would be able to successfully leap over the 4'-5' fence," the police spokesman said in a statement. "Clearly he was overconfident in his abilities, no doubt bolstered by alcohol."